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Moving Tips

Make a list

Itemize what needs to be moved. Break it down room by room. Everything from furniture, kitchen items, art work, wall hangings, electronics, cloths and more. Then estimate how many boxes per room for your stuff.

Have plenty of supplies

Wrap all fragile items in bubble wrap or inkless newspaper. If you are packing plates or bowls, be sure to put layers of bubble wrap or newspaper in between. Use plenty of paper!

Utilize wardrobe boxes

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For electronic equipment, the best thing to use would be the original box with its packing material. If you don't have these, it's a very good idea to use heavy-duty TV boxes. The last thing you want is for your box to break open and your equipment to be destroyed.


Weight matters

Heavy Items like books & files go in small boxes. Light Items like linens & pillows go in large boxes.



Take apart any furniture you can. Put hardware in a plastic bag and tape bag to item to keep them together. Wrap all items made of wood and the legs of tables and chairs in bubble wrap, blankets or furniture pads


And if you need help packing, wrapping, storing or even dumping or storing of any of your belongings, please feel free to see how we assist you!


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